
Logos of the Hong Kong Umbrella Movement Logo Competition

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Justice, Democracy, and Freedom—those were the three prizes of this logo design competition. 

The person behind this is none other than Kacey Wong for Hong Kong’s democracy movement called the Umbrella Revolution. Wong is a known artist and educator. During this time in 2014, he was an assistant professor at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. 

The movement was urged by mass dissent over China’s decision to take away the full universal suffrage of Hong Kong. It has been an ongoing movement since 2014. And lately, it has been getting even more traction after the passing of the National Security Law. 

But wait. As an outsider, you might be wondering what role umbrellas play in this political activity.

Here’s a quick explainer.

Umbrellas became a tool for the masses to protect themselves from being pepper-sprayed by policemen during protests. This defensive instrument became an identifying trait of the movement. Wong said in a statement, “it represents resistance against tyranny and brutality.”

Plus, it was also a great way to use social media. The contest made people more aware of the struggle Hong Kong continues to face.

Citizens naturally submitted their design bids that portrayed dissent through graphic design.

Take a look at the compelling submissions the contest received:

Graphic design has a place in everything. Whether through business or politics, a mark can spark movements and affirm that art is indeed political.

When artist Wong launched this mock contest, it became a way for designers to exercise their freedom by creating a symbol that democracy-loving citizens could connect with. The movement needed an identifying symbol that will represent their struggle under their government. 

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